Saturday, August 6, 2011

Brady Update

Brady is growing up so fast.  I know it sounds cliché to make the growing up fast statement, but in the past couple of months he really has started to act like a little boy rather than a toddler.  His vocabulary is huge and every day surprises me with words I did not realize he knew.  He is also getting tall and is starting to outgrow his 2T clothes.  We've also had to get him all new shoes because he kept taking off every pair of shoes that we put on him.  I asked him why he keeps taking his shoes off and he says, "they hurt my feet."  We had just gotten him new shoes in May so I hadn't even thought that they might be too small.

Recent Brady conversations:

What are you drawing Brady?  "I'm drawing a volcano.  It's really really hot."  Ok, where did you learn about volcanoes?  "Little Einsteins"  Alright, maybe a little too much TV, but at least he's learning something.

Brady do you see the mountain goat over there?  "It's far away.  I need some binoculars."  Ok, didn't know you knew about binoculars, but you're probably right they would come in handy.

Brady,  do you see that black cat?  "It looks like a leopard to me.  Let's run away.  Scary."

He is also is really fond on using words such as really, actually, very, especially or other anything that further quantifies things. 

He can have a full conversation with you on just about any topic.  He also prefers to have the conversation centered around him and has one too many times told Cory and I to "stop talking" at the dinner table.

Another thing that has started happening are conversations about people that you maybe don't want folks to overhear.  His observations are usually dead on, but probably would be best not be discussed out loud.

Recently on the bus a smelly guy got on.  Brady says "What is that Smell, pee yew."  It's just the air.  "No, it's stinky.  Why does he smell?"

Another encounter on public transit was his observation about a lady standing next to us.  "She is a big girl."  Yes, I am a big girl.  You're right, Brady.  "No, Mommy SHE is a big girl."  Alright, let’s talk quietly she maybe doesn't want to be called that.

Aside from his language skills, we're starting to socialize potty training with him.  He's gone on the potty many times starting in early spring, but we haven't pushed full potty training.  We have been traveling so much so there really hasn't been a great time to do full on training so I think we're going to wait till September when we're back in KC.  We did buy a new frog potty which he thinks is pretty cool.  Last Thursday, he wore his 'undiewears' as he calls them from before dinner time until bedtime with no accidents.  He went twice on the potty and asked to go both times.  It's a step in the right direction, but to be honest Cory and I like the convenience of diapers/pull-ups at this point.  Perhaps lazy parenting, but it's very easy and we know it will happen at some point so it's not worth it to us to push it too hard.

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